Saturday, July 10, 2010

Never too early for Lipitor.

In news that makes my heart sing but causes my arteries shriek in terror, Pine State Biscuits, the amazing southern sandwich outfit that started out as a vendor at the Portland Farmer's Market, opened up their location on Alberta Street this morning, dangerously close to our house. It's a 6 minute walk. Oh. Shit.

Why all of this cholesterol-related anxiety, you ask? Let me introduce you to the Reggie:

A piece of fried chicken, bacon, a slice of Tillamook cheddar, and homemade sausage gravy in a buttermilk biscuit. I know, it sounds absurd, and it sort of is. But sweet Jesus, is it delicious. I'm not the only person that thinks so - every Saturday the line at the farmer's market is at least 25 people deep, and the sandwich has been featured on the Food Network, in Esquire, etc. And this isn't even the end of the story - you can make your Reggie "deluxe" by adding a fried egg.

The new restaurant space is really well-done, and I'm so excited to add it to my neighborhood loop. Maybe once every two weeks. The 2.5 Reggies per month plan. Good thing it's close to my gym, too. Feel free to hold an intervention if you notice I've transitioned to elastic waistbands and support hose.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hopping on the first empty box-car heading west.
    Hager the (not so) Horrible.
