Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mad men, lazy women. Err... woman.

I realize this blog has taken a weird turn. Instead of sharing little anecdotes about my attempts to conquer all domestic realms, I've been recycling content featured elsewhere. This is because most of my projects have been put on hold, due to general summer mayhem involving visitors, weddings, trips, and other assorted whiny excuses that I basically use to cover up the fact I can't stop watching Mad Men. But there are some good things in the works, I promise. Things I can't wait to tell you about. After I get through Season 2 and find out why Don Draper is so f-ed up.

So, please be distracted by this little opinion piece about city cycling that I wrote for Volume One, a really great alternative biweekly that I used to work for in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. About six years ago, when it was just a wee little b&w zine that a couple of guys produced on the side, in a tiny office the size of a closet, where we had to move the ethernet cord from one computer to the next because there was only one cord -- I was the outfit's first "intern." Now it's a full fledged, sharp-looking tabloid with an editorial and sales staff with a kickass downtown headquarters. I feel lucky to have been on the ground floor of this publication that has done remarkable things for the creative scene and sense of community in that city.

Aaaaand now it's time for more Mad Men. At the rate I'm burning through these DVDs I'll be back here trying to fill an immense void before you know it. Or getting cable to continue my addiction. See you... soon. Soon-ish.

1 comment:

  1. We just finished watching the first season. I understand.

    (Also, we're number 36 on the library's waiting list for season two. Unacceptable.)

    (Also again, I loved your column. It's nice to hear your voice around these parts once more!)
