These two definitely had their priorities in order, and decided early on that there would be cornhole at their

In my most important sewing project to date, I made the super special wedding cornhole bags. (Which technically should be called "bean hole" in this case.) Carle picked out fabric to match the fancy boards that Charlie's brother made, and I followed directions found here. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy they were, and how well they turned out. Thinking about opening up a cornhole store on Etsy. I'll do some market research and keep you posted.
Congratulations again, to the C&C Wedding Factory.

The wedding sounds delightful...actually, I'm an author who has just read your recent article in Publishers Weekly with great interest, and I couldn't find another way of contacting you. I'd be interested in discussing my new book, The Dice Game of Shiva, with you (just out from New World Library). If you're interested, perhaps you could contact me through my own Web site (www.innerchristianity.com). Thanks!