Eeee! Arrived in Austin late yesterday afternoon, and after a quick clean up session to help me forget that a little guy barfed all over the back of my seat on flight 1, and that another kind soul decided to sneeze directly on me during flight 2, my friend Katie and I took to the streets. I enjoyed my first Lone Star beer on the back patio of Mug Shots bar, while listening to some really bad hardcore music in the adjacent lot. Then we went to the Stimulus Show at the Paradise Cafe and caught the tail end of Tigercity, followed by Morning Benders and Harlem Shakes. Good times. Other highlights include the "pulled pork taco" that I purchased, which turned out to be a good pound of pork in a tortilla, with NOTHING else, not even sauce mind you, and the bartender that threw a piece of ice at me. I did not follow-up.
Great day planned for today! Bikes, breakfast tacos, bats, beers and hopefully some old buddies. And in case you're wondering, yes, all that alliteration was on purpose.

Wha?? He threw ice at you?