Monday, February 9, 2009

It's goal settin' time -or- Mixer Porn

Maybe "Kitchenaid glamor shots" is more appropriate. I just wanted a reason to get my pretty machine all shined up for a photo shoot. If you look closely, you can see a bottle of Windex being reflected in the flawless bowl. Classy, Martha. Nice one.

There is a point to this. I have a kickass mixer, and I should use it more. From this point forward, I vow to cook or bake something new every week. Yes, I realize most of you do this already. And I think a lot about it, but have trouble converting these thoughts into actions. That's where you come in, blog accountability.

In reality, probably about 20% of these adventures will actually happen in Big Red. But for some reason a centerfold of my crock pot doesn't seem to hold the same allure.

Stay tuned for the outcome of Foodie Challenge #1, results to be shared on Saturday. (And hopefully by then I will have come up with a catchier name for said project. Suggestions are encouraged. Operation Dish? 52 Spoons? Help.)

1 comment:

  1. oooooh kitchenaid mixer, i long for you.

    (we put a gunmetal grey one on our registry. huzzah!)
