Oh hi! How are you? What's that? You're wondering where the hell I've been? And why I don't seem to give a rat's arse about my blog anymore? Well... here's the deal:
My digital camera died. The photos accompanying my last few posts were captured on my phone. MY PHONE. This is not ideal. And you know what else? I just moved, and don't have the internets yet. It's a long, sad story that involves a disappointed Comcast technician, and a gigantic drill. I had to sneak into a coffee shop and pretend I wanted a hot chocolate just to share this message with you right now. I am sacrificing for you, by drinking this hot chocolate. I am selfless.
Anyway, I'll be back soon, I promise! I've got my eyes on a fancy new point and click, and my new place has a craft room! And a stove with more than one working burner, and an oven with more than one cubic foot of space. That doesn't run 75 degrees hot. It's luxurious.
So basically, you're in for it, once I get my bearings. Watch out.
In the meantime, here's yet
another thing I'm obsessed with on Etsy. Sasquatch holiday! The best kind.